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Campaign Updates – August 2023

by | Aug 8, 2023 | News


We are so grateful for all of you who have supported this campaign and its endeavors to study Indiana! Jamie has spent many months and days on the road getting to know Hoosiers so that she knows how to best represent Indiana Goodness.

Jamie just finished her tours to the Indiana fairs.  Encountering many residents, she heard their hearts and understood the many hard working Republicans who are serving one another. Also, apparent was the disconnect that many people feel from the party and its representatives–people cherish their freedom and believe in justice.

Jamie is now preparing for the media campaign that will come soon, giving you an opportunity to “like”, “follow”, and “share” ways to support this campaign and to personally meet with Jamie. There will be an important announcement at the end of August— STAY TUNED!

There are many roads the campaign is on and each is promising.  As the campaign prioritizes education, you will also see a practical common sense approach to the economy that will affect everyone in Indiana. We also promise a willingness to not just talk about energy in Indiana, but look to move energy in Indiana to the forefront of conversation. These priorities must intersect with our small towns who are behind in sewer and water improvements and have vital needs for innovation to revive their economies. Our agricultural portfolio must grow to highlight the many small farms that make Indiana special. Further, “special” means everyone has equal access to internet, quality education, and support from the state to grow.

Our families need to be strengthened and our churches need to be the voice communities look to for help.

Now is the time… we must rebuild!

It is our heart to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and now sits at the right hand of the Father.

We continue to pursue God’s wisdom, and we look forward to the end of August when we announce the details regarding Jamie’s pursuit to bring you Indiana Goodness!

Craig Blow

Be a Giver!

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